
Submission period and fee


Early Submission Period1:

02 Sep - 02 Oct 2024

Online payment via MYSELLPAY*: HK$650 (approx. US$85)
Telegraph Transfer**: HK$950 (approx. US$125)

New Director Special Rate2:
Online payment via MYSELLPAY*: HK$500 (approx. US$65) 
Telegraph Transfer**: HK$800 (approx. US$105)


Official Submission Period:

03 - 31 Oct 2024 

Online payment via via MYSELLPAY*: HK$800 (approx. US$105)   
Telegraph Transfer**: HK$1,100 (approx. US$145)

New Director Special Rate2:
Online payment via via MYSELLPAY*: HK$650 (approx. US$85) 
Telegraph Transfer**: HK$950 (approx. US$125)


1 Early submission discount is offered to applicants whose payments are made via Online Payment or Telegraph Transfer on/before 02 Oct 2024 (23:59 HKT for online submission; postmarked for submissions by post).

2 "New Director" means a director who has no directorial feature or documentary film project (running time 60 minutes or longer) that has been commercially released in any country/region.

* MYSELLPAY is HAF's authorized service provider to handle online payment for the HAF online submission system. Online payments made by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Unionpay and American Express), ApplePay, FPS, Payme, Paypal, Alipay and Wechat Pay are accepted.

** Once the transfer is completed, please notify us by sending an e-mail with the bank advice to Please include

1. Your application number (if applicable, in format of H25xxxx),
2. Name of Project and
3. Amount of payment.


HKIFFS bank account details:

Name of Bank: HSBC
Bank Address: 1 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong
Account Name: The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society Limited
Account No.: 400-155339-838


Submission Fees & Applicable Period (per application form)

Online payment via MYSELLPAY  Telegraph Transfer

Early Bird Rate

02 Sep - 02 Oct 2024

Standard Rate: HKD 650 (approx. USD 85)

New Director: HKD 500 (approx. USD 65)

Standard Rate: HKD 950 (approx. USD 125)

New Director: HKD 800 (approx. USD 105)

Official Rate

03 - 31 Oct 2024

Standard Rate: HKD 800 (approx. USD 105)

New Director: HKD 650 (approx. USD 85)

Standard Rate: HKD 1,100 (approx. USD 145)

New Director: HKD 950 (approx. USD 125)